
ARB Relay Box - Six-Channel Fused Relay BoxARB Relay Box - Six-Channel Fused Relay Box
  • ARB Relay Box - Six-Channel Fused Relay Box
  • ARB-Relay-Box-1
  • ARB-Relay-Box-3

ARB 6 kanálová kompaktná skrinka poistiek a relé HD prevedenie

Kategória produktu: LED svetlomety
117,60 €
98,00 € bez DPH
Kúpou produktu získate:
  registrovaný zákazník: 2,35 bodov
  člen C.B. ONE PREMIUM: 3.528 bodov
viac informácií o vernostnom programe C.B. ONE PREMIUM
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0903 804 173, cbone@cbone.sk

ARB Relay Box - Six-Channel Fused Relay Box

Fitting electrical accessories to a vehicle can be time consuming work. Finding space to mount relays and fuses in a modern vehicle engine bay is a challenge for fitters. The end result are multiple power cables connected to a crowded battery positive terminal, multiple drilling in the engine bay to mount different looking relays and fuses, and various messy cables running between the relays and fuses. To solve those issues ARB are pleased to introduce the six-channel fused relay box to our product range.

  • Single power connection to the battery supports six electrical loads
  • 60A rated current for each accessory to share
  • Built-In overtemperature protection
  • Includes 30A automotive relays for each feed
  • Designed to work side by side with ARB LINX with the addition of a quick connector that simplifies LINX installation with pre-terminated direct connection to all 6 x LINX Switchboard outputs
  • 2 x LINX inputs for convenient under bonnet connections to low beam and high beam.
  • Designed to be in engine bays, the ARB relay box is built for harsh conditions and high temperatures
  • Relay and fuse cover protects the wiring within a compact flame-retardant enclosure

Retail box includes the following Items:
  • 1 x relay box (160mm x 93.7mm x 84.3mm)
  • a selection of pre-installed blade fuses (3 x 20A, 2 x 10A and 1 x 5A)
  • 6 x 30A rated relay pre-installed
  • 1 x pre-terminated quick connect cable
  • 1x 3m extension cable with braided cable sleeve
  • 10 x cable ties
  • 2 x M6 x 20mm hex flanged screws and M6 locking hex nuts

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ARB 6 kanálová kompaktná skrinka poistiek a relé HD prevedenie

ARB Relay Box - Six-Channel Fused Relay Box
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