


ARB BASE RACK zvýšené okraje

ARB strešný nosič BASE RACK Full Guard Rail
Full perimeter guard rail system allowing the BASE Rack to be set up as a traditional fully enclosed Deluxe style rack.

¾ Guard Rail
A cross between full and trade guard rails, the ¾ system assists with easy rear loading and unloading of items whilst still providing guard rail load security at the front and sides of the BASE Rack.

¼ Guard Rail
Perfect for campers providing a level mount for a rooftop tent whilst still providing guard rail load security at the front or rear of the rack depending on set up.

Trade Guard Rail
Great for loading longer items such as timber or ladders with the side guard rails preventing items slipping off the side of the rack during loading and unloading.

Full rails

ARBBASERack FullRails 704x316

3/4 rails
ARBBASERack 34Rails 704x315

1/4 Rails
ARBBASERack 14Rails 704x315 1

Trade Rails

ARBBASERack TradeRails 704x315
360 prehliadka cbone SHOWROOM

Virtuálna prehliadka firmy C.B. ONE, s.r.o.

Kompletne zrenovovaný SHOWROOM plný tovaru, odborných rád a skúsených pracovníkov.

  •  sme priamy zástupca osvedčených výrobcov
  •  dlhoročná tradícia - 29 rokov na trhu
  •  garantujeme pôvod tovaru a aj jeho záručný a pozáručný servis
  •  odborná montáž a zaškolenie u nás kúpeného tovaru za najlepšie ceny
  •  zabezpečujeme povinný zápis do TP