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Opakovač LINX TPMS

Kategória produktu: ARB LINX
136,84 €
114,03 € bez DPH

Kúpou produktu získate:
  registrovaný zákazník: 2,74 bodov
  člen C.B. ONE PREMIUM: 4.10508 bodov
viac informácií o vernostnom programe C.B. ONE PREMIUM
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok nás kontaktujte
0903 804 173, cbone@cbone.sk

The need to monitor our tyre pressures on the go has never been more important for both vehicle, trailer and caravan. But, with the addition of extra equipment, plus the advancements in the structural integrity of vehicles today, in some cases this has caused dropouts between the TPMS sensors and LINX.

Today, we have the solution for you - the LINX TPMS Repeater.

  • Up to 300% increase in tyre sensor data transmitted
  • Eliminates altogether or effectively reduces drop outs of data
  • Simple 12-volt (only), hardwired installation
  • Waterproof and suitable for mounting outside the vehicle
  • Replaces the need for part number 819108
  1. Mount the LINX TPMS Repeater on top of the existing trailer plug, or in a similar location, with the LED light facing upwards and the aerial facing out the back of the vehicle. This allows the repeater to hear all tyre sensors at the same physical level, then transmit the data back into the vehicle.
  2. Connect the black wire to a good body ground.
  3. Connect the red wire to an Accessory (ACC) switched power source.
    Note, on top of the repeater is an LED light that illuminates red when powered.
    Once powered on the booster will work automatically. Existing installations will not need to be reprogrammed as a result of installing it.

Spýtajte sa na produkt

Opakovač LINX TPMS

Today, we have the solution for you - the LINX TPMS Repeater.
Odoslaním súhlasím so spracovaním osobných údajov. Viac o spracovaní osobných údajov.

Zatiaľ tu nie je žiadna recenzia pre tento tovar.

Spôsob platby:

Hotovosťou pri osobnom prevzatí
Homecredit - nákup na splátky
Platba kartou
Platba prevodom na účet

Spôsob dopravy:

Slovenská pošta
Osobný odber

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Virtuálna prehliadka firmy C.B. ONE, s.r.o.

Kompletne zrenovovaný SHOWROOM plný tovaru, odborných rád a skúsených pracovníkov.

  •  sme priamy zástupca osvedčených výrobcov
  •  dlhoročná tradícia - 27 rokov na trhu
  •  garantujeme pôvod tovaru a aj jeho záručný a pozáručný servis
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  •  zabezpečujeme povinný zápis do TP