LED svetlomety Nacho Quatro SAE - pár
Serving size: 2 lights
Sku: Pm461
Peak candela: 112,000
Effective lumens: 9,176
Raw lumens: 12,040
Watts: 124
Amp draw @ 14.4: 9
Input voltage: 10-16vdc
Product size: 4in
Weight lbs: 1.2 ea
Package contains: Package contains:(2) quatro led lights, (2) bracket kits with hardware, (2)amber and smoke lens covers.

Sme veľmi radi, že môžeme oznámiť uvedenie očakávaného radu svetiel NACHO. Určite si spomínate, že v októbri minulého roka náš generálny riaditeľ Lachlan McCann oznámil, že spoločnosť ARB investovala do amerického startupu v oblasti osvetlenia s názvom NACHO. Tím NACHO Offroad Technology so sídlom vo Phoenixe v Arizone patrí k priekopníkom, ktorí už desaťročia formujú priemysel výkonného a terénneho osvetlenia. Od tohto oznámenia ARB a NACHO v pozadí pracujú na našom cieli integrovať ponuku svetiel NACHO, aby sme doplnili a rozšírili náš súčasný sortiment LED svetiel a posunuli dosah NACHO za hranice Ameriky do zvyšku sveta. Spoluprácou so spoločnosťou NACHO Offroad Technology chceme otriasť trhom s terénnym osvetlením a poskytovať našim zákazníkom na celom svete odolné, inovatívne a flexibilné produkty.
To, čo poháňa spoločnosť NACHO a naše spoločné smerovanie, je kvalita, vášeň a budúcnosť terénneho osvetlenia. So silným zameraním na inovácie pri navrhovaní a vývoji produktov do najťažších podmienok. Výrobky spoločnosti NACHO boli preverené tisíckami kilometrov brutálneho testovania, aby sa zabezpečil maximálny výkon a spoľahlivosť. Veľkosť svetla NACHO Quatro umožňuje montáž na vozidlá, ktorá doteraz nebola v našom existujúcom sortimente možná. Či už ide o lištu s nižším profilom, nosič, stĺpik, náhradu za hmlovku alebo vlastné uchytenie. Spoločnosť NACHO sa odlišuje tým, že vám vracia kontrolu do vašich rúk a umožňuje vám namontovať svetlá na požadované miesto.
Osvetlite si cestu s NACHO.

- Multifunkcia - NACHO Quatro umožňuje prepínať medzi viacerými funkciami v jednom svetle.
- Exoskeleton NACHO - Konštrukcia svetla s nútenou indukciou zabezpečuje optimálne chladenie tým, že vzduch vedie cez prednú časť svetla a vyfukuje ho von zo zadnej časti.
- Prispôsobenie - polykarbonátový exoskeleton sa dá ľahko odstrániť, aby bolo možné ho natrieť alebo naniesť inú povrchovú úpravu bez toho, aby bola ohrozená konštrukcia svetla.
- Polykarbonátové kryty šošoviek - Ľahko vymeniteľné odstránením predného krúžku rámčeka. Každý pár NACHO sa dodáva s oranžovými aj čiernymi krytmi šošoviek NACHO.
- Trail Running Light - Zvýšená viditeľnosť, aby ste boli videní v teréne bez toho, aby ste oslepovali tých, ktorí idú pred vami.
- Odolnosť voči nárazom - navrhnuté s polykarbonátovými šošovkami a krytmi odolnými voči nárazom. Prísne testovanie v najnáročnejších podmienkach vrátane testov pádu 5 g a reálnych terénnych pretekov Baja a KOH.
- Vodotesnosť a prachotesnosť IP68 - ochrana proti vniknutiu prachu aj ponoreniu do vody.
- J575 Vibration Rated - skonštruovaný tak, aby vydržal najťažšie vlnité cesty a náročné trate.
- Vyrobené v Amerike - spoločnosť NACHO si všetko zabezpečuje sama: projektovanie, testovanie, výroba, balenie a preprava. Všetky svetlá Nacho Quatro okrem hmlových svetiel sú certifikované podľa normy R10.
Experience the next level of off-road lighting with the NACHO Quatro Flood. This versatile lighting solution features a wide area projection beam, providing you with adjustable power options at the flip of a switch. Whether you need ample lighting for slow speed driving, recovery situations, or illuminating your surroundings, the Quatro Flood has got you covered.
Designed with functionality and style in mind, the sleek 4" pod design of the Quatro Flood breaks the mold of traditional off-road lighting. Stand out from the crowd and bring attention to your vehicle with its eye-catching design, while enjoying the outstanding performance.
The Quatro Flood is perfect for various applications such as ditch lights, backup lights, or rack lighting. Its wide area projection beam ensures ample coverage, providing the necessary illumination for any low-speed maneuvering or recovery task. Get the job done with confidence and stay in control of your lighting needs.
At NACHO, we prioritize performance, design, protection, and versatility, and the Quatro Flood embodies these core values. With its user-controlled features and durable construction, this light is built to withstand the toughest off-road conditions, while delivering exceptional lighting performance.
Each purchase of the NACHO Quatro Flood includes a pair of two lights, allowing you to enhance your lighting setup and enjoy the benefits of powerful, adjustable lighting wherever your off-road adventures take you.
Upgrade your off-road lighting game and choose the NACHO Quatro Flood for power, control, and a design that turns heads. Illuminate your path with confidence and make a statement on the trails.
User Control
The NACHO Quatro allows you to switch between multiple functions in the single light. You can control the light with a low power output which engages the lower LEDs or a high-power output which operates the light with all 6 LEDs.
Quatro's Outer Body - Unleash the Power of Forced Induction
Experience the industry's first Forced Induction light designed for optimal performance. The Quatro's outer body boasts remarkable features that set it apart from the competition. Engineered to maximize airflow, it channels air through the front of the light and efficiently exhausts it out the back, ensuring optimal cooling for enhanced performance.
TRL (Trail Running Light) - Illuminate Your Path with Style
The TRL is a game-changer for off-road enthusiasts seeking enhanced visibility and safety on the trail. This unique feature provides a low power mode that creates a captivating glow effect, ensuring you're seen by oncoming vehicles without blinding them. Designed with versatility in mind, the TRL can be independently triggered, allowing you to wire it to a single switch or seamlessly integrate it with your factory running lights.
Experience the perfect balance of functionality and aesthetics as the TRL enhances your off-road adventures. Whether you're exploring dark trails or cruising through urban areas, the TRL ensures you stand out while keeping you safe. Enjoy the freedom to customize your lighting setup and elevate your driving experience like never before.
The amber and smoke covers are included with the purchase of the set of lights. The covers are easy installed by removing the front bezel and placing the cover in its grooves then snapping the bezel back on the front of the light. Made out of polycarbonate material the covers are another level of protection or a quick way to change the lights output color.
IP 68 Waterproof and Dustproof: Built to Conquer Any Challenge
With an IP68 rating, our NACHO lights are engineered to withstand the harshest off-road conditions. No matter how intense your adventures get, rest assured that your lights are protected against dust ingress and water submersion.
Go ahead and conquer those river crossings, muddy trails, and dusty terrains with confidence. Our IP68-rated lights ensure that moisture and dirt stay out, allowing you to push the limits of your off-road vehicle without worrying about the performance or longevity of your lights.
Stay illuminated, rain or shine, and explore the great outdoors with unwavering reliability. Upgrade to NACHO lights and experience the peace of mind that comes with superior protection against water and dust. It's time to unleash your off-road spirit without compromising on lighting performance!
Built to Conquer Rough Trails: J575 Vibration Rated
When it comes to off-roading, your lights need to withstand the toughest vibrations. That's why the Quatro is engineered with J575 vibration rating, ensuring exceptional durability and performance on even the most punishing trails.
No matter how bumpy or rugged the terrain gets, our Quatro lights can handle it with ease. From endless washboard roads to challenging off-road obstacles, trust in the resilience of our lights to keep shining bright.
Don't let vibrations dampen your off-road adventures. Upgrade to the Quatro and experience lighting that can withstand the harshest conditions. It's time to conquer the trails without compromise!
Unmatched Durability: Impact Resistant
When it comes to off-road adventures, durability is key. That's why our Quatro lights are engineered with impact-resistant lenses and covers made from polycarbonate. We've put them through rigorous tests, including 5g impact drop tests and real-life rock roosting, to ensure they can withstand the toughest conditions.
Whether you're navigating rocky trails or conquering challenging terrains, our Quatro lights are built to take a beating and keep shining bright. With our lights, you can have peace of mind knowing they're ready to handle whatever obstacles come your way.
But we didn't stop there. Our lights have also been Baja and KOH tested, meeting the high standards of the most demanding off-road environments. So, gear up and hit the trails with confidence, knowing that your lighting is up to the task.
Built in America
NACHO engineers, tests, builds, packages, and ships everything out of our Mesa, AZ location.
Lifetime Warranty
We stand behind our products. If there is a manufacturing error, please reach out to us so we can take care of it.
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LED svetlomety Nacho Quatro SAE - pár
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