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Klin pod koleso TRED GT LEVELLER

134,07 €
109,00 € bez DPH
Kúpou produktu získate:
  registrovaný zákazník: 2,68 bodov
  člen C.B. ONE PREMIUM: 4.0221 bodov
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0903 804 173, cbone@cbone.sk

Caravan levelling just moved up in the world, the team at TRED has excelled once again using all Australian made manufacturing and providing a patented design and exclusive colour to ARB.

The NEW TRED GT levelling pack has been designed to safely and easily level your caravan, motorhome or trailer. Manufactured in Brisbane Australia with UV resistant high-quality Automotive grade polypropylene which  incorporates a grip profile to ensure maximum traction with the tyre and also a grip profile on the base to help keep the leveller secure on the terrain.

The levelling pack also features a dual axle ready design, the patented design  allows these ramps to fit between most tandem axle caravan wheels. The finite single gradient design allows adjustment to perfectly position the vehicle trailer or caravan on the ramp and set the Chock. If you think we are finished and where most other levellers would be, TRED has included anti sink plates that integrate into the base of the ramp for storage. The levelling lift can be infinitely increased in 15mm increments using additional anti-sink plates fixed to the base of the levelling ramp. The Anti sink plates are
also perfectly suited for most popular stabiliser’s legs.

Included in the package is two ramps with chock, and 4 anti-sink plates.

  • Manufactured in Brisbane Australia – Australian Made
  • UV resistant high-quality Automotive grade polypropylene
  • Grip profile to ensure maximum traction with the tyre
  • Finite adjustment to position the vehicle, caravan, motorhome or Trailer
  • Dual Axel ready design – fits most tandem axel caravans
  • Unique TRED-LINK system – Joins two together
  • Lift up to 115mm (4.52”) standard, use anti sink plates for greater height
  • 5000kg Rating
  • Dimensions - 49.5cm = L x 18cm = H x 26cm = W – 1.2kg
    19.5” x 6.92” x 10.15” – 2.65lbs

Spýtajte sa na produkt

Klin pod koleso TRED GT LEVELLER

Caravan levelling just moved up in the world, the team at TRED has excelled once again using all Australian made manufacturing and providing a patented design and exclusive colour to ARB.
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